Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just The Start

I. Have. FAILED! Several months ago I announced that on July 25, 2010 I would be running my first half marathon in San Francisco. Well, today is July 25th, and I have run exactly two times since my announcement. I'm not kidding...twice! It's kinda a sucky day for me, because I have a friend (Way to go, Cindy!) that did run the race, so when I look at her pictures it's just a reminder that I didn't follow-through...yet again!

A few weeks ago on our flight home from North Carolina, the skinniest, cutest flight attendant asked if I would like a SELF magazine that I know she wanted me to believe a fellow passenger left on the plane, but I know that she actually pulled it out of the drawer labeled "Fat Girl Motivators". I read a couple of articles on the plane, felt guilty, and put it into my carry-on with the intent of burning it when I got home along with the memory of that obnoxious pretty smile on the face of that beautiful, metabolism-blessed, attendant. Well, it somehow ended up on my nightstand and I picked it up to read it last night, and this is what I opened to:

Thanks a lot, God! I know I'm fat, but do you really need to rub it in the night before my big failure?! So, I settled into my pity party and started reading. And I was surprised by my reaction. I fully expected to read the article and then head to the store for some ice cream to make myself feel better. I know, I know...ridiculous right? Must be how I gained so much weight. Instead, it reminded me of how badly I want to be in shape and how much I want to stop this cycle so that my boys don't struggle with their weight.

My weight has been a yo-yo a la Kirstie Alley my entire adult life. It's depressing to look back at my teen years and remember the body image I had of myself. I know that every teenage girl looks at herself and sees her flaws, but let me explain to you what I thought of myself. I hated my body. I thought my stomach was huge, my thighs were cellulite-infested, and my arms jiggled with every move. So, what did I do? I joined cheer.

Me in all of my cheerleading glory (or is it just all the glitter?!)

I look at that 115-pound version of myself and am determined to find a time machine to go back in time and smack the crap outta myself. And possibly show young-self a picture of adult-self and then smack said self a few more times. 

So here's what I'm going to do. I will not set a ridiculous goal for myself that I will not be able to meet. That's just setting myself up for failure. I am going to get healthy. I will exercise, I will eat better, and I will use this blog as a way of motivating and holding myself accountable. My scale broke, and I have no intention of purchasing a new one. I am going to go solely off of how I feel and how my clothes are fitting.

So, internet world - bring it on! Ask me multiple times each week if I'm staying true to my promise to myself and give me heck if I say no! I'm open to suggestions, the things that didn't work for you, and some encouragement. :)


  1. GREAT idea and GREAT motivator!!!

    I am in the same boat, I need to lose about 75 pounds and I just cant seem to find the motivation to do it! I always say "Im gonna start tomorrow" but then 2 weeks later...I still haven't started!!! My goal is to lose 30 pounds by November 20 because I'm a bridesmaid in my cousins wedding. After that though, I need to lose many, many more. I will be right here with you, every step of the way. We can definitely hold each other accountable!! Im going to get back to my morning jogs on the river trail, that helped me so much. You can do it- just remember it doesnt happen overnight. Thats the hardest part for me. And we make so many excuses but I think if we do it for health purposes and not vanity purposes, it will be easier. Lets get started!!!!

  2. Ashley,

    My precious daughter, I pray that God gives you the strength, and knowledge to achieve your goals. You are BEAUTIFUL inside and out! I am very proud of the young woman you have become. May the path God has chosen for you be peaceful, and full of love. May the obstacles that are placed in your path just be stepping stones into the future our Lord has promised for you! You are an amazing young woman and I am proud to be your mom. Much success!! I love you, always...Mom.

  3. My Angel,

    Need I remind you that you are BELOW your pre pregnancy weight. That is a HUGE feat. You can do it i have all the faith in the world. I will be MORE than happy to do this with you! As i have put on like 35 pounds since joining the family(thanks Kim...). I know we can do this. We can run together( know that my knee is better..Thanks DR. Tacke) or maybe if we have some extra money we could get bikes. And get those silly little seats for the boys to ride in.( you know those ugly ones we always laugh at. I am here to help or motivate you in anyway i can. I love you!

    Your Loving Muffin Butt (her silly nick name for me!!)

  4. Ashley! I'm so excited that you've started this blog and I am looking forward to following your journey - Stick with it, girl!

    (By the way, Kara Goucher is practically my running idol... That girl is amazing!)
