Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Who Was it That Said She Couldn't Do This?

I know it's been a while since I updated. I already mentioned why on my other blog so I'll just give you all a quick breakdown. Super busy...hubby's been home...spending time with kiddos...and working my butt off! My training is going great. I'm enjoying working out and still haven't missed a single day. Yay me!

I was scheduled to run two miles on Saturday and had a goal of completing it in 25 minutes. And I did it...

...with .32 seconds to spare! Haha!

My hubby left for Pennsylvania this morning for a week-and-a-half so we wanted to take the kiddos out for dinner last night. I had planned on pushing my training back one day and taking my rest day yesterday instead of Friday. But, God had other plans for me. He knew I needed motivation, so what did he throw my way? Stress! Funny how he works sometimes. But, I'm more than proud of myself because when I got some kinda disappointing news, instead of sitting down with a carton of Phish Food I actually wanted to run. I'm so happy about that! After running my first mile, I decided to just keep going because my mind was still running to much to just go home and try to relax. After I completed my second mile, here's what my stopwatch said...

What?! I just shaved 56 seconds off of my two-mile run!

Even more than that, I had checked my time after my first mile, just under 12-and-a-half minutes. Which means my second mile was just over 11-and-a-half minutes. Are you kidding me?! What the heck am I doing running slower than that? No more 12-and-a-half minute miles for this runner (Can I call myself that yet?)! So, if you happen to see me running down the street at a slower pace than you deem necessary feel free to yell out any form of motivation you think will help. Seriously. 

During my cool down, I realized that there's no reason for me to stress. God is in complete control and will meet all of our needs. I wait quietly before God for my victory comes from Him.He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken. (Psalm 62: 1-2 NLT) I was thanking God for always remaining faithful and got the sudden urge to sing some old worship songs. I'm sure my neighbors thought I looked like an idiot walking the streets at 10:00 at night, singing at the top of my lungs. But, it felt good so I don't care what they think. :)

1 comment:

  1. You AMAZE me!!! I am so proud of your commitment and your faith. God will surely reward your efforts!!! Keep running and PRAISING...before you know will right where your heart desires...GOD promises!!!
