I. Have. FAILED! Several months ago I announced that on July 25, 2010 I would be running my first half marathon in San Francisco. Well, today is July 25th, and I have run exactly two times since my announcement. I'm not kidding...twice! It's kinda a sucky day for me, because I have a friend (Way to go, Cindy!) that did run the race, so when I look at her pictures it's just a reminder that I didn't follow-through...yet again!
A few weeks ago on our flight home from North Carolina, the skinniest, cutest flight attendant asked if I would like a SELF magazine that I know she wanted me to believe a fellow passenger left on the plane, but I know that she actually pulled it out of the drawer labeled "Fat Girl Motivators". I read a couple of articles on the plane, felt guilty, and put it into my carry-on with the intent of burning it when I got home along with the memory of that obnoxious pretty smile on the face of that beautiful, metabolism-blessed, attendant. Well, it somehow ended up on my nightstand and I picked it up to read it last night, and this is what I opened to:

Thanks a lot, God! I know I'm fat, but do you really need to rub it in the night before my big failure?! So, I settled into my pity party and started reading. And I was surprised by my reaction. I fully expected to read the article and then head to the store for some ice cream to make myself feel better. I know, I know...ridiculous right? Must be how I gained so much weight. Instead, it reminded me of how badly I want to be in shape and how much I want to stop this cycle so that my boys don't struggle with their weight.
My weight has been a yo-yo a la Kirstie Alley my entire adult life. It's depressing to look back at my teen years and remember the body image I had of myself. I know that every teenage girl looks at herself and sees her flaws, but let me explain to you what I thought of myself. I hated my body. I thought my stomach was huge, my thighs were cellulite-infested, and my arms jiggled with every move. So, what did I do? I joined cheer.
Me in all of my cheerleading glory (or is it just all the glitter?!)
I look at that 115-pound version of myself and am determined to find a time machine to go back in time and smack the crap outta myself. And possibly show young-self a picture of adult-self and then smack said self a few more times.
So here's what I'm going to do. I will not set a ridiculous goal for myself that I will not be able to meet. That's just setting myself up for failure. I am going to get healthy. I will exercise, I will eat better, and I will use this blog as a way of motivating and holding myself accountable. My scale broke, and I have no intention of purchasing a new one. I am going to go solely off of how I feel and how my clothes are fitting.
So, internet world - bring it on! Ask me multiple times each week if I'm staying true to my promise to myself and give me heck if I say no! I'm open to suggestions, the things that didn't work for you, and some encouragement. :)